Sunday, 20 September 2015

The naked truth

We were at Rona on the weekend getting supplies for the boys bunk beds.

While we were there Sam started dancing and grabbing himself - he urgently needed to pee. Because God forbid he let me know BEFORE he is about to pee his pants. 

We found a bathroom quickly, thank god, and I sent both the boys in to go. They hadn't been in long when Daniel started freaking out. Apparently Sam had to go so badly that he lost control of his aim and peed all over Daniel. It was apparently 'the most terrible thing that has ever happened' to him. 

You know you're a mom when you can tell someone who is covered in someone else's pee to get over it. 

Not five minutes later Sam needed to go to the bathroom again - he had to poop. Urgently, of course. We hightail it back to the bathroom and I send Sam in. He was taking FOREVER so I peeked my head in and found this ...
Where is his shirt, you ask? I asked that too.
Apparently sometimes you just need to make yourself really at home in a public bathroom at the local hardware store. At least he still had everything else on. 

I told him to hurry up. And we waited. And waited. So I checked on him again. 
Apparently sometimes you just need to get completely f-ing naked to take a dump in a public bathroom. It's a good thing he's cute because grown ups get arrested for this sh-t. Pun intended. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is absolutely incredible.....i have also taken my shirt off to dump :) it's about time you got back to blogging!! Love it love it love it!

  3. You just can't make this 'shit' up! lol Enjoyed this immensely. Can't wait to buy the book!

  4. You need to write a book!! These stories are amazing!

  5. You need to write a book!! These stories are amazing!
