Saturday 30 May 2015

Luke, I am your...

Sam used to get SO mad when anyone called Danny his father. He absolutely denied It was true.

Recently he started telling us that his first father died - and that Danny is his second father. When questioned how his first father died he answered quite matter-of-factly that his first father was shot. When asked what his name was he said "Bill Nye".

Danny was at work today and I went down to the basement to dig out the boys rubber boots because it finally rained (yeah rain)!

When I was down there I heard Sam on the porch yelling "Dad!" He called out a couple of times. Then I heard him yell "Are you my dad?!" 

I'm 95% sure he was yelling across the street to our neighbour - who he sees all the time and SHOULD know is NOT his dad. (Hi Ben!)

I'm not exactly sure how he thinks this fatherhood thing works but I'm pretty sure Danny is starting to get traumatized. Either that or he is going to start asking himself some serious questions...

This guy! Xoxo. 


  1. Leave it to the godfather.... maybe one of our aunts was trying to explain his baptism to him when he was 6 months old.

  2. Leave it to the godfather.... maybe one of our aunts was trying to explain his baptism to him when he was 6 months old.
